Citrus bergamia (Jambeeram), Zingiber officinale ( Ardrakam), Syrup base.
- A general health tonic.
- Non-alcoholic herbal preparation for the treatment of anorexia, nausea & vomiting.
- Increases the appetite in children and a sure remedy for the treatment of anorexia found in children and young women.
- Safe and effective herbal remedy for the treatment of nausea and vomiting found
during the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Prevents habitual constipation in elderly.
- Balance the acidity and secretion of digestive juices.
- Prevents constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity and flatulence.
- Hyperemasis Gravidarum
Dosage: Adult - 1-2 teaspoonfull to be taken twice or thrice a day before food
Child - 1 teaspoonfull to be taken twice a day before food
Presentation:Bottles of 200 ml.