Andropogen Muricatus (Usheera), Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshura), Hemedesmus
Indicus (Sariba), Abutilon Indicum (Atibala), Symplocos Recemosa (Lodhra),
Cyperus Rotundus (Mustha), Cubeba Officinalis (sugandha Maricha), Syrup base.
- A general health tonic
- As an urinary antiseptic in urethritis and recurrent urinary-tract infections.
- In trichamona vaginitis and as a prophylactic to prevent recurrence.
- To maintain the normal pH of the urine
- As a systemic coolant of the body
- To treat and prevent recurrent candida vaginitis
- To arrest white discharge
Dosage: 10ml. with equal quantity of water twice a day.
Presentation:Bottles of 200 ml.
Sariba -the unique & comprehensive herbal urinary antiseptic and diuretic.